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Teams can't be fully effective without trust.

It’s no secret that for teams to perform effectively they need trust—both in their colleagues and leaders.

Trusting employees have:

  • 260% more motivation
  • 41% less absenteeism
  • 50% decreased likelihood of searching for another job

Trust in leadership leads to a more engaged team.

  • 50% of employees who trust their leaders are engaged
  • 8.3% of employees who don’t trust their leaders are engaged

Only 21% of employees in the U.S. strongly agree that they trust their leaders.
How can leaders build trust?


“I’m more likely to trust you if I experience the real you.”


“I’m more likely to trust you if I believe you care about me and my success.”


“I’m more likely to trust you if I believe your reasoning and judgment are valid.”
“When trust is lost, it can almost always be traced back to a breakdown in one of them. To build trust as a leader, you first need to figure out which driver you ‘wobble’ on.”

Identify Your "Trust Wobble"


Is there a significant difference between how your are around family and friends and your professional persona? If so, what’s the benefit to maintaining that distinction? If hiding your true self is a strategic choice, you’re likely dealing with an authenticity wobble.


Do you find yourself getting impatient when others aren’t as motivated or take longer to understand things than you? Do you engage in meetings or stop paying attention once you understand the general concepts? If so, you’re likely dealing with an empathy wobble.


Does your team have confidence in your ideas? How easily can you provide reasoning for your decisions? Do your employees feel comfortable suggesting alternatives to your decisions, and are you willing to listen? If not, you’re likely dealing with a logic wobble.

Build Team Trust with Teamraderie

Harvard Business School professor and Teamraderie advisor Frances Frei and author Anne Morriss have co-created a team journey to improve trust on your team.

“We became more aware of where we ‘lose’ people due to a lack of trust. And the experiences helped us become better on every dimension of trust.”

— VP Product, Fortune 50 tech company